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Our governmental experience includes all phases of architecture, from schematic design through final construction. Archi-Tekton, Inc. has extensive experience in HUD Housing Authority projects consisting of, but is not limited to the following:
- Multi-story complete complex comprehensive modernization projects
- Low-rise apartment building minor and major renovations
- Duplex, quadplex and sixplex minor and major renovations
- RHF – Section 504 and ADAAG compliant single family housing projects
- Partial and complete demolition projects
- Fire unit reconstruction projects
- Roof replacement projects
- Carpet replacement projects
- Window replacement/upgrade
- Studies preparation including facility evaluation & assessment apartment unit conversions and updating facilities
- Investigation and consultation of existing housing stock
- Investigation and consultation for the purchase of open market housing stock
- Preparation of Energy Audit studies
- Structural investigational work
- Environmental work (Asbestos & Lead investigational reports)
- HVAC replacement/upgrade projects
- Fire protection / sprinkler system projects
- Door, Access Control and time & Attendance systems designs (Archi-Tekton, Inc. has been called upon to assist other A/E firms in this capacity)
- Youth Build Projects
- Fire alarm, smoke detector, intercom system, TV antenna system, CCTV system and emergency call upgrade projects
We have executed the Model Form of Agreement between Owner and Design Professional (HUD-51915) for each project within our extensive portfolio of governmental and municipality commissions.
Archi-Tekton, Inc. follows the AIA project format, which as outlined below, consists of five process phases followed by a completion point.
- Programming and Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Construction Documents
- Pricing or Bidding and Corresponding Negotiation
- Construction Observation
- Project Close Down
Archi-Tekton, Inc. has continuously carried "errors and omissions" insurance and are proud to say that we have never had a claim submitted with the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation in our existence.
We produce projects that comply with the Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines, the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), Energy Star Compliance, ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G, Green Initiative, i.e. Enterprise Green Communities Green Project O&M Plan or EPA's Indoor AirPLUS standard, Universal Design Standards and all other applicable Federal/State/Local requirements including all ADA provisions (HUD Section 504 and ANSI A117.1). If applicable to the project, Archi-Tekton, Inc. uses the HUD-PIH Benchmarking Tool to enter utility data for the first year after building occupancy and report the results to HUD. The goal for all of our projects is to achieve a score of at least 65 or 15 percent over average.
As a small business ourselves, we realize how difficult it can be for a Minority Business Enterprise to gain and maintain a competitive edge in our difficult economy, especially when their competitors are large corporations. We are committed to giving an M.B.E. an equal opportunity to succeed. Archi-Tekton, Inc. will work with the PHA to select Minority Business Enterprises to help achieve our client's participation goal in accordance with their SDBC plan.
With our extensive portfolio of PHA commissions and with our Principal Architect taking the role of Construction Manager in many of our projects, we feel strongly that we can assist our clients in creating a suitable budget. If the budget cannot be adjusted, the firm will work closely with our client to create a scope of work that will fit the budget requirements.
We coordinate regular budget cost reviews, accommodate additional work allowances, and calculate total project cost to enable client funding and planning. Archi-Tekton, Inc. also has a great relationship with local contractors that can be called upon during the design development phase for their input on the most cost effective manner to do the task at hand.
Archi-Tekton, Inc. values our relationship with all of our clients; this guarantees our consideration for future commissions.