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Archi-Tekton, Inc. has comprehensive knowledge of HUD 202/811 and mixed financing housing projects including tax credits, from grant application submission, firm commitment submission, thru final closing. Our experience is as follows:
- New 60 unit Mixed Finance Project – Parkman Landing (Pending OHFA approval)
- New 34 unit Section 202 Housing Project – Eagle Creek
- New 10-unit Section 811 Housing Development – Morgandale Commons
- New 40 unit Section 202 Housing Project including Ohio tax credits – Girard Manor
- Consultation, Reports, & Initial Schematics for a proposed renovation of the old TMHA Administrative Offices into supportive housing for persons with disabilities (Preparation for 811 Grant Application – Colonial Commons)
Archi-Tekton, Inc. provides consultation, reports, and initial schematics for the preparation of the HUD 202/811and Mixed Financing Grant Applications including:
- Schematic site plan and Building design layout:
- Site Plan
- Landscaping Plan with plant designations
- Floor Plans with square footages and room finishes
- Enlarged Apartment Unit Plans
- Exterior Elevations with materials called out
- Wall Sections
- Phase I Environmental report
- Civil boundary survey
- City location map
- City local services map
- Project Narrative
- Energy Star, Green Initiative and Sustainability Narratives, i.e. Enterprise Green Communities initiative, EPA's Indoor AirPLUS standard & Ashrae 90.1 Appendix G
- Universal Design principals
- Implementation of the Fair Housing Act
We provided assistance to the client in areas not typically part of the A/E team's responsibilities per HUD guidelines in the following areas:
- Assistance in Grant Application
- Phase I Environmental Assessment
- Wetland Delineation
- Title Work
- ALTA Survey Process
- Appraisal Process
- Geotechnical Report
- Miscellaneous HUD forms
- Information required to obtain OHFA funding
We produce projects that comply with the Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines, the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), Energy Star Compliance, ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G, Green Initiative, i.e. Enterprise Green Communities Green Project O&M Plan or EPA's Indoor AirPLUS standard, Universal Design Standards and all other applicable Federal/State/Local requirements including all ADA provisions (HUD Section 504 and ANSI A117.1). If applicable to the project, Archi-Tekton, Inc. uses the HUD-PIH Benchmarking Tool to enter utility data for the first year after building occupancy and report the results to HUD. The goal for all of our projects is to achieve a score of at least 65 or 15 percent over average.
We coordinate regular budget cost reviews, accommodate additional work allowances, and calculate total project cost to enable client funding and planning. These projects include very tight deadlines, all of which we have met.